31 Airplane Snacks That Are TSA-Friendly, Delicious, And (Mostly) Healthy
Originally published in What To Pack
Everyone knows that flying while famished is simply not a fun way to travel. When you’re preparing for a flight, it’s always a smart idea to plan for the moment when hunger strikes. Most airlines’ (and some airports’) food offerings are too pricey, less than exciting, or just not available. Savvy travelers know that when it comes to eating on airplanes, it’s best to BYOS: bring your own snacks. Getting hungry? This handy guide will help you choose and pack an assortment of delicious and travel-friendly snacks to satisfy airborne cravings! And while most of them are healthy, we threw in a few treats in case you need a little travel stress relief.
When you’re considering which kind of snacks are best for air travel, be sure to select foods that are tasty as well as easy to eat while you’re confined to a narrow airplane seat. Stay away from potentially messy or sticky snacks. Another no no? Foods that may have an odor, such as tuna fish or hardboiled eggs (you don’t want to make your seatmates into your enemies). Peanut butter should also be avoided. While it’s not technically banned, severe peanut allergy sufferers will thank you for choosing almond butter instead. No matter what you’re eating, be sure to bring along more napkins and wipes than you think you need!